Anji is the first much waited movie on telugu industry. Since4 years it is under production. If this movie is another movie people forget about it. But only Megastar craze makes this movie alive in people mind. Dashing producer syam prasad reddy is not care about the budget and it becomes nearly 30 crores.(the highest budget movie of telugu film industry till now). This is a socio fantacy movie. Megastar give 600 bulk dates to this movie. Since 4 years this movie is under Production. In this movie production there is a lot of things happend First they choose director Sabhapathi and Tabu as heroin but after that Graphics movies specailist Kodi replaced sabaptahi. Namratha sirodkhar came in the place of Tabu. In music deportment first they thought 5 music directors for 6 songs and Sree is is the back drop music director but later Manisarma is providing music for all songs and movie. Now this movie is on finishing stage and going to release on april 9th.This movie is specail effects are done in london. Previous M.S arts film also did here. Famous Christopher Holems did it. This moive expecting to release with 250 prints. This movie is planig to release in various languages in tamil it is releasing name as Akasa Ganga. Producer syam prasad reddy says i made a huge budget film like this only cause of Megastar image. Director Kodi says Anji will become one of the miracle of South indian movie history. Megastar doing extremly good job for this film. We saw many films but some films places in hearts. That kind of film Anji. It is surely goes to international awards after it release. Not only megafans all movie lovers and and south indian people also proud about this. Because this is the attempt to create history by A telugu team. So wish ur regards to them as Telugu man. Finaly i dont want to raise on huge expections on this movie. But there is a lot of surprising things in this movie. You will feel thrill only watch it on the silver screen. So just wait a moment and wish u hardly welcome to Anji.(more news follows soon on Anji) Dont forget this site update with stuff regularly so its better to visit regularly. Join in fan club and send ur wishes and comments to me
