The Only and best site on web now giving all information about Megabrothers fastly with regular updates and having Online Megafan club. ( This site started on 30-9-2k1) (I am very thanqful to ur support and encouragement-- SREENIVASA KUMAR)

******Today updates*****
Indra audio report on Banglore By our fan in FANS PAGE
R u checked?
Dont believe gossips.
Megastar and Dutt statement on Indra check Spot News
Thumsup and Pepsi Banned in some places?? (it is very special incident every megafan read it with out fail) on gossip
Getting Indra cassets are so tough.....check it. on Indra audio hungama and present status and Megastar craze on Hungama of Indra audio
Megastar playing dual role in Indra?? gossip
Megastar Faction Mixed action a special report on Indra Spot NewsIndra audio rights,Umesh gupta statement on Indra audio and Power star Jhony news on Spot News
Megabrothers craze in Public Viha Sivaranjani awards function highlights on Spot News
Why Megastar and Vijayabapineedu movie not started yet? gossip
***** The specials are Indhra Movie release and audio, Jhony progress , Anji in Telugu Tamil Hindi and English and Megastar next productions after indra all news on as very special update. check Spot News
Megastar craze on world wide FANS PAGE (Read and Proud be a megafan)
Luck with Megastar and M.S Raju film with Megastar?? Spot News
(check Megastar in Manasantha Nuvee jubilee function also)
Why Megabrothers far away from Awards?? gossip
(check awesome Indhra still in this section)
(Indhra Stills a special gift to megafans of this site)
Indhra business craze in Andhra gossip
Why Some sites degrading our Megastar?? in
(check the hot news)
Anji audio 1 crore 50 lakhs?? gossip
gossip Pavan kalyan is pepsi add composer ?
Coming soon...... Hot Stuff on megabrothers dont miss it and keep watching daily. ( scroll down and see the bellow pic)
SPECIAL NOTE: Pls other MEGAFANS also send ur news about megabrothers (like news gossips records) at ur town and what u know interesting stuff . I will publish it here with ur name pls support me we will spread all stuff to our fans around the world.
( I have all rights to edit and modify the article which u are sent to me)
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