Jhony film is old city back drop story. All are dying for religious feelings now a days. But "Sab ka malik ek" that is the main content in the story. Jhony is a man who lived in old city of hyderabad. He will turn into Jhony bhai from Jhony. And he will grew upto national level. What is the scenes and what are the situations u can watch only on silver screen. But this movie has many commerical elements wih good fights. This powerfull story make thrill all moive lovers and megafans in soon.
Powerstar interview with Superhit film weekly and some points from that interview.
Q: When ur Jhony will starts??
Pavan: It will start on soon.
Q: We heared this movie will release in November is it right?
Pavan: I am not sure about date i will give preference to quality. When i am satisifies with quality that time i will release the film.
Q: Jhony is the single shedule film??
Pavan: Yep mostly i am looking to compelte it in single shedule.
Q: Jhony is the confirmed title?? or any titles under consideration?
Pavan: We registered Jhony title till now. If any title is better than this under shooting we will choose it. But till now we dont have choosed any other one. So Jhony is the title.
Q: Why u take long time to start ur new film?
Pavan: Im looking for good story so i am waited some time. I know if i will start a new film and if it will become Flop all are ready to blame me. So i will take care about this film.
Q: What is the Jhony story? Action or love?
Pavan: It is all rounder film. U can found all emotions in this film.
Q: Why u choosed Ramana gougla for this film?
Pavan: My mind is well tuned with ramana so i choosed him. U will listen some diffrent tunes from him on this film.
Q: Why u learned AIKDIO? for Jhony? or any?
Pavan: I have interest on AIKDIO. So i learned it. If movie will requires it i will use it for film also.
Q: What is ur next film?
Pavan: With chinaannayya(Naga babu).
Q: You have any film with Karunakaran?
Pavan: Yep we will surely do a film in soon.
Q: What about ur film with Annayya(Megastar)?
Pavan: (With Laugh) Yep i will surely do a film with Annayya as a director when time the will come.
Q: Who is the director of ur next film after Jhony?
Pavan: I have not decided till now about it. i will tell after but sure im not directing it.
Q: Why u choosed Direction?
Pavan: From starting i have interest on director field.So i am choosing it.
Q: Distributors are with many hopes on ur Jhony and many one coming with blank cheques what is ur opinion on it?
Pavan: Dont believe any one blindly...(Laughs)
Q: What is ur business plan on Jhony?
Pavan: I dont know much thing about Business.
Q: Kushi is releasing again in 160 theaters? It is most crazy moment to any hero what is ur feeling on it?
Pavan: I am not concentrate on that.
Q: Who are the stars u like in ur co stars?
Pavan: I like Mahesh babu action in some clippings. And i like Uday kiran action also in some clippings.
Q: When we will meet again?
Pavan: After Jhony starts we will meet again with Jhony stuff.
Pepsi launched a new drink "Aha" with powerstar publicity. Pepsi satendra agarwal said Pepsi sales are increased double after pavan publcity. So they are very happy with it.
Hope u all enjoyed with this. Send ur valuble comments to me on Guestbook and to return megabrothers
hi friends 2001 is coming to end. We watched many films in this year. Finally there is big question in our minds who is the star of this year. If we looked at sucess issue there is biggest block buster of this year shaking the box office with massive crowds and creating a trend setter in youth. Not only that in 72 years telugu film industry no one seen this type of heavy crowds on opening days of a raising star. That film is Kushi... crushed the all previous records with cool attempt. It is not a faction movie and not a festival season movie not a mass movie also.(that movies attracts more than class films). But this film creating waves in Telugu film industry. This film stands Number One in this year. But this movie dont have long running like jubilees but this movie created new set of records. Many one disappointed at this movie publicity(not upto the range). Even also this movie blasted the youth hearts. Kushi named garments bags posters released in market and selled like hot cakes. Some new shops named as Kushi. Many girls dreamed about powerstar pavan kalyan like a dream boy. College guys treated bhoomika as their dream girl(in many love storys this is asusual) but this is high range of craze. Great soft drinks company Pepsi is in a dilama of their opposite company attack in andhra with craze of Megastar they dont have any alternative source to face it. Finally they choose Pavan only the correct person to face Megastar. (coz both are brothers so audience feel what to choose ). This type of sequences increased the stamina of Powerstar. Kushi audio albums solded in large number. It settled No1 place in this year all music albums..
with the craze of Powerstar.........
what is the craze. Kushi is a one man show of pavan kalyan he directed fights. The fights kicked a boom in youth trend.This movie is total control of pavan kalyan. just an example of this movie. Recently Mukkoti Ekadashi is came. In all towns shows mid night movies lastet hits of that year. Same day Kushi tickets are solded by at the time of 7:00 (the show at 12:30).. That type of craze gained Power star. In Vijayawada Kushi created 1 crore theater gross in just 140 days. This is the first film in 72 years film industry got this type of gross and shares in many towns. So Power star is decided the hero of the year today. In 2001 all andhra show what is they craze of a young star. Kushi not a great love story like tholi prema even also just power of hime he got the collections and records. This proof showing to all telugu film industry who is the future Megastar. At the same time some young stars have hits but that is only of the story and production and director values. But power star is showing totally one man show. So only that reason placed him Hero of the year. Kushi what a movie with starting shot it is said by all it is jubilee movie. This type of high expection movies not stands at box office many times. But kushi got blasting megahit talk from begining show. The crowds are amazing. In many places Kushi screened 24 hours not stop shows. Mega hit movie means placed in hearts and music albums and colletions and records and become trendsetter. Only Kushi have all these qualities in this year released movies. All are gained by Image of Powerstar. So another Lion is wake up from Mega family. But all fans is and movie lovers request is they want 2 pictures from powerstar every year. Hope power star look at this request. And powerstar is going to direct a movie also in soon. Already a biggest business craze on this movie in industry. Many one ready to give blank cheques to this movie. That is incredible. so we wish u all the best to our power star and future megastar.
KUSHI jubilee centers with collection ***
Vizag 61,59,999 gross
Vijyananagaram 28,25,840 gross
Karnool 32,49,000 gross
T.P gudem 13,50,000 share
Eluru 48,30,000 gross
with town and district highest total gross and state record of 154 days housefulls with 4 shows.....
Jubilee function of Kushi in karnool...
2 jubilees in utter andhra (kushi)
Vizag Sangam 61,57,999:00
Vijayanagaram Saptagiri 25,32,182:00
Karnool Mega fans Hungama,......
Karnool dt chiru and pavan kalyan seva samithi celebrated Kushi jubilee function.
Kushi created many town records in all rayalaseema areas. Not only that
in Karnool Power star have 7 100 days in a row (all of his films) and 7th movie
is a jubilee collected grater than 33 lakshs share in alakanar a.c.
Mega issues :
1: They helped 6000 rs D.D to a fan who lated his back bone.
2: They helped 10000 F.D papers to A child who losted his father in a accident.
3: Distributed school bags to 150 dumb and deff students.
4: Distributed New cloths to staff of Alankar.
5: Presented gold rings to Rupa films manager and representives.
not only MEGA BROTHERS Mega fans also proving once again their kind heart through charitys.
Proud be a Megafan......
How kushi proved a trendsetter??
Kushi a trendsetter of 2001...
an amazing hit of Pavan Kalyan.
It is creating some waves of industry records....
lets know it...
Kushi got all A class centers highest record gross...
Hyd sandya 70mm ac 160 days 1,59,02,600:00
and 6 100 days centers in Rajadhani first time in 72 years telugu movie filed.
Kushi got all B class centers highest record gross...
Bandar venakateswara... 24,32,000:00 (at 100 days)
Kushi got all C class centers highest record gross...
Godavari Khani 21,00,000:00 (at 100 days)
Kushi got nealy 50 town records.....
Kushi got 3 100 days centers in costal heart Vijayawada
and a miracle gross of 1,05,61,350:00 in vjd Raj ac dts.
Kushi got all time housefull days state record.....
Eluru Mini satyanarayana a.c dts 154 days still fulls...
with 11 days 6 shows... and 28 days 5 shows....
It is a not a mass movie not a movie released in festival season.
Kushi facing many big films in oppostion. Even also Kushi creating megarecords
and 101 50s 79 100s 5 jubilees also.....Kushi released with lot of expection also
even also it is stands A1.
and industry declared KUSHI IS THE MOST CROWDED HIT OF 2001.....
no other film not have these type of crowds released in 2001....
we hope pavan give another block buster than kushi next time....we wish u best of luck to pavan and his team..